Category: Grief
Grief Lessons from Yoga Class
By Linda Trignano Normally I don’t take a yoga class at the gym. I often find the session a challenge for my body which resists bending and stretching in the way my fellow classmates seem to easily be able to manage. But for some reason that I can’t fully explain, I had a desire to…
You Just Never Know
Recently an article appeared in my local newspaper that caught my attention. A woman wrote to the newspaper to apologize and thank a man she had encountered at the post office. Seems the man held the door open for her as she entered the building but lost in her own thoughts, she failed to notice…
Grief’s Ebb and Flow
There is no doubt; these are difficult times on many levels. Some of the people I speak with talk about losing their savings in the down market. Others talk about job loss and how frightened they are of a future that is uncertain. These and many other life losses lead to profound grief. Its one…